The researchers attributed with the discovery of C60 fullerenes are coveted Nobel prize winners. Their story starts in 1985, when a three-person team comprising Kroto, Curl, and Smalley began their efforts in the field of Chemistry! They had conducted an experiment whereby clusters of 60 atoms were produced, hence, the name, C60. Further findings revealed that the intricate geometry of the structure contributed to its stability. As a groundbreaking element with plenty of benefits yet to be explored, fullerenes would go on to paint the three laureates as names to remember throughout history.
Science & Patent Studies
Nuclear Containment Vessels made of Shungit.
Patented by United States Department of Energy on storage of Nuclear Materials encapsulated in C60 Fullerenes.
Patent US5640705A by the United States Department Of Energy on Storage of nuclear materialsby encapsulation in C60 fullerenes . Due to the threat and possible danger of traditional radioactive waste storage and disposal methods by storing the radioactive waste inside glass, ceramic, concrete, or clay containment vessels deployed in the US around the late 90s, researchers has found that fullerenes were the better choice. This patent has been filed for utilizing fullerene carbon molecules to contain radiation from nuclear waste.
This nuclear waste containment system is comprised of fullerene carbon layers that prevent nuclear radiation from leaking out of the containment vessel. The containment vessel is made of C60 Fullerene, to be exact, with an intense quantity of ionizing radiation that can even completely block radiation. In essence, this is due to the structure’s internal hollowness that works as an absolute vacuum that filters out impurities by absorbing EMF waves and radiation
Radar Stealth Technology Using Fullerene
Radar Absorbing Material Used in Military airplane to shield from radar.
An airplane’s cylindrical shape and tailplane bangs can be easily spotted by radar due to their electromagnetic properties. Thus, this Scientific Reports #5619 (2014)explores radar stealth technology in detail.
Researchers found that
Fullerene have an unusually high current-carrying capacity. Radar stealth technology by using CNTs (made of fullerenes) as the main element within a Radar Absorbtion Material (RAM) exhibited positive results. a coating could be applied to the exteriors of airplanes. Lightning strikes then could flow around the plane and dissipate without causing damage.
The RAM also could protect electronic circuits and devices within airplanes from electromagnetic interference, which can damage equipment and alter settings. The RAM allows military aircraft to shield their electromagnetic “signatures”, from being detected by radar.
Patented Circuit Board Coating With Fullerene
Effectively Blocks Electromagnetic Inteference
In recent years, high-speed processing of electronic equipment has been accelerated, and microprocessors has risen rapidly. Further, in the field of communication, 5G multimedia mobile communication, wireless LAN, high-speed communication network using optical fiber etc. are used, and it is expected that the high frequency use range will expand rapidly in the future. When the frequency of the radio wave rises, it tends to be radiated as noise and EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference) becomes a problem.
Patent #JP2003243878A from Japan inventeda circuit board coated with a layer of C60 fullerene that effectively blocks electromagnetic interference. It uses a layer of C60 Fullerene, which is known as Shun Gaito, along with other carbon materials to absorb the EMI. Ultimately, this led to the creation of products with electromagnetic wave absorption capabilities – carbon components including graphite, carbon micro coils and nanotubes were used. Today, innovative technologies such as optical fibers use C60 Fullerene in their circuit boards to eliminate interference.
Other Research
Reduction in skin damage caused by sun exposure
A study conducted by Oxid Med Cell Longev in 2017 proved that Shungite C60 is considerably potent when it comes to blocking harmful UV rays from the sun.
A suspension prepared was applied to animal subjects exposed to unfiltered UVB rays. Once the results were concluded, there was a considerable difference between the side covered in suspension and the one left bare. So, what had happened? Pigmentation, roughness, and fine lines had reduced significantly! Thus, proving the incredibly powerful inflammatory effects of C60 that help dial down oxidative stress the modern human faces every single day!